My name is Angela. I’m currently (as of 3/10/2023–last chemo!!!) transitioning from 16 chemotherapy infusions to 30 radiation treatments for breast cancer. Though that is one thing about me, I am so much more. I love to tell stories; I HAVE cancer, it is not who I am nor will it be the focus of every post–but probably a lot because it is such a big part of my life right now. Thanks for the mammaries, breast cancer, but it’s not all about you!
I grew up in a very small town in southern Ohio and left there A LONG TIME AGO during my college years. My husband & I WILL CELEBRATE (using all caps because ew, cancer) our 32nd wedding anniversary <insert shocked and stunned face> this coming September. We have two sons, a dear-daughter-in-law and a future dear-daughter-in-law. At this time we are owned by three dogs who have us trained extremely well. I even give myself treats for good listening.
I love to tell stories and engage with people. The written word has captivated me since I learned to read. I still read every single night because it is my calm place, my mental escape. My hope is to entertain; to make one person crack a smile or feel connected over a random topic. It brings me complete joy to give someone, with just a few minutes of reading, a sense of kinship and relatability, even if it’s just for a moment.